PHP WebSocket2 Library
PHP5 Library for browsing web

This is an example of how to deal with cookies.

require '../websock2.php';
define('EOL', php_sapi_name() === 'cli' ? PHP_EOL : '<br>');
//Create HTTP request manager, supply it with socket and cookie manager
//ALl calls to runRequest now will automatically process HTTP redirections and track cookies
//Add some cookies
//And more
//Now change the value of a cookie
//And delete one cookie
//Add our own cookie from code
$manager->getCookieManager()->addCookie(new HttpCookie('code_cookie', '12345'));
//Add one more cookie from code,
//but this will be for different domain, so it will not be shown on page
$cookie = new HttpCookie('other_domain_cookie', '12345');
//Enumerate cookies and list them
$manager->getCookieManager()->filterCookies(function(HttpCookie $cookie)
echo 'We have a cookie: ' . $cookie->getName() . '=' . $cookie->getValue()
. ' for domain: [' . $cookie->getDomain()
. '] and path: [' . $cookie->getPath() . ']' . EOL;
//Lets remove "one_more" cookie!
if($cookie->getName() === 'one_more')
echo EOL;
//Run request and echo response body contents (without headers)
//This will show something like { "cookies": { "code_cookie": "12345", "third_cookie": "changed" } }
echo $manager->runRequest(WebRequest::createFromUrl(''))->getBody();